This list includes all athletes that have signed up or who were on the team last year.
BOYS: Anthony Carpenter, Charles Conway, Kai Crannell, Johnney Epstein, Arthur Fiorella, Elliot Kravits, Joe Laroca, Mark Linkletter, Mike Maloney, Ryan Matsumoto, Brendan McDonnell, David Mink, Matt O'Connell, Austin Simon, Michael Stellwagen, Kevin Turchick
GIRLS: Maya Balkran, Kat Delandri, Michala Donnelly, Jenna Fulton, Maria Gorecki, Rachel Kurtz, Eve Marenghi, Lorrayne Ramirez, Katie Ross, Andie Simon, Viviane Simond, Alison Tota
If your name appears here your physical on file with the Athletic Department is out of date and needs to be updated. Contact Nancy Burke at 248-8585 for more info or get a new form from coach Fulton at practice.