Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Dear Parents - 

Camp is going well with your little kiddies.  Everyone seems pretty healthy and rested so far. 

One sprained ankle so far (Claire Roediger) but that's the worst injury.  The entire camp was given Wednesday morning's run off but the Tusker boys will be out there getting their mileage in.

Gorecki is in group one and doing very well.  Conway and Shelby are group three, Tunas and Persic group 4, Friedman and Sammel group 5, Windman group 7, Rosillo group 8.

Rachel and Eve are in group 13 but will move to 11 tomorrow while the rest of the girls are in groups 15-20.

Somehow I am surving 24-7 of Jen Gross and Lorrayne Ramirez, AKA LorRennifer.

Pictures coming tomorrow of the annual human pyramid.