Thursday, September 2, 2010

Boys Group 1 finishes tough workout in dark


With the temperature soaring all week the boys varsity group 1 and 2 met at 7pm on the track to complete their evening workout, instead of 5pm with everyone else.  The task at hand: 25x400m

Group 1 consisted of Charles Conway, Scott Friedman, Isaac Shelby, David Sammel, Kai Crannel, and Ryan Matsumoto.  Their goal was 5 x (5x400m).  Break was 45 seconds between each 400 and 3 minutes between sets.  The pace was declining, so they started at 85 and went 80-75-70-65.

The group stayed very close together throughout the workout, hitting their splits with Isaac Shelby setting a great pace.  The last set saw Charles Conway continue to look better than ever and all of the boys finished in the 64-70 range.  Watching Dave Sammel charge down the backstretch to close in the 67 second area signified just how far this group has come in a year.

Group 2 had Brendan McDonnell, Mike Persic, Alex Fusco, and Mike Maloney.  They did 4x (5x400) at 90-85-80-75.

Overall it was one of the best workouts the team has every done and should give us confidence as we move forward and get ready to start our season.