Monday, August 31, 2009

Booster Club Meeting

Somers Track and Field Booster Club
Next Meeting:
09.29.09 @ 7:30
I encourage anyone who is interested to please attend. We have recently graduated some longtime members and we would be happy to see some fresh faces.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

PRACTICE: 8/31-9/05

Practice for everyone (varsity, JV, freshman, rookies, etc) is at 5:30pm, Monday-Thursday and Friday and Saturday at 9:00am. Meet behind Primrose. Bring a water bottle.

Girls morning sessions are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at 8:00am. All non-freshman are required to attend. Freshman are invited but it is optional. Meet behind Primrose. Bring a water bottle.

Boys morning sessions are at 8:00am Monday-Thursday. ALL VARSITY AND JV RUNNERS MUST ATTEND. Freshman can attend with approval from coach Fulton. Ask at practice. Meet behind Primrose. Bring a water bottle.

Make sure you bring your "blue sheet" to practice if uou haven't handed it in to the nurse yet.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Saturday practice is on, course cleanup postponed

Due to the weather forecast we will postpone the course cleanup from this weekend until sometime next week/weekend. Regular practice at 9:00am at Primrose.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Xc Course Clean-Up this Saturday

The annual XC Course clean up in this Saturday, August 29th at 10:30am. Practice for all athletes will be at 9:00am and then they will be asked to stay and help work. If it's raining we will still do some work on the course. PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED AND NEEDED.

Supplies needed for the clean up. 2 wheel barrows, 3 weed wackers, chain saw, bow saw, 1 push lawn mower, rakes (leaf and garden), clippers, head trimmers, loppers, work gloves, shovels, pitch fork, and anything else to work on trails.

Please bring a few items if you can since not everyone will be able to bring something.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Boys and Girls Varsity workouts 8/24-8/30

This is for any athlete who is not going to be at practice this week.  Please call coach Fulton with any questions.  WORKOUT DETAILS

Camp Team Pics and Pyramid

Click on images to enlarge

Sunday, August 23, 2009


4:00PM PRACTICE - Meet on the corner of resevoir Road and Rt. 22, just south of route 35.
Take 35 east over 684 and make a right on 22 south. Resevoir Road in 200 yards down on the left hand side. Bring water/gatorade. (from Purdys just take 22 south and cross over 35).

Pre-Season XC Practice starts Monday 8/24

Practice for everyone (varsity, JV, freshman, rookies, etc) is at 5:30pm, Monday-Thursday and Friday and Saturday at 9:00am. Meet behind Primrose. Bring a water bottle.

Girls morning sessions are Monday and Wednesday at 8:00am. All non-freshman are required to attend. Freshman are invited but it is optional. Meet behind Primrose. Bring a water bottle.

Boys morning sessions are at 8:00am Monday-Thursday. ALL VARSITY AND JV RUNNERS MUST ATTEND. Freshman can attend with appoval from coach Fulton. Ask at practice. Meet behind Primrose. Bring a water bottle.

Make sure you bring your "blue sheet" to practice if uou haven't handed it in to the nurse yet.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Dear Parents - 

Camp is going well with your little kiddies.  Everyone seems pretty healthy and rested so far. 

One sprained ankle so far (Claire Roediger) but that's the worst injury.  The entire camp was given Wednesday morning's run off but the Tusker boys will be out there getting their mileage in.

Gorecki is in group one and doing very well.  Conway and Shelby are group three, Tunas and Persic group 4, Friedman and Sammel group 5, Windman group 7, Rosillo group 8.

Rachel and Eve are in group 13 but will move to 11 tomorrow while the rest of the girls are in groups 15-20.

Somehow I am surving 24-7 of Jen Gross and Lorrayne Ramirez, AKA LorRennifer.

Pictures coming tomorrow of the annual human pyramid.  

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuskers, Alum race well in 5K

It turned into a great night for The Tuskers, past and present, as over 20 toed the line at Somers HS for the last Westchester Twilight Meet.  Josh Kneer ('06) ran away with the title but fellow alum Niko Viglione ('05) paced current team captain Robert Gorecki to a solid 17:10 effort despite the hot and very humid conditions.  

Doug Swiatocha ('06) and Patrick Hashmall ('09) also competed as Hashmall gets geared up to try and make his college team in two weeks.  Coach Fulton ('94) ran the 3K instead.  Other Alumni on hand as spectators
 were Alex Bean ('06), Devin Irwin ('08), Evan Delfs ('05), Kyle Brazeil ('07), Dana Mitchell ('06), and Avery Faeth ('08).  Even Don and Lorraine Swiatocha were spotted watching the race.

Scott Friedman and Isaac Shelby turned in solid low 18:05 times while Albert Tunas, Mike Rosillo, and Frankie LiCursi all ran right around 19 flat.  Mike Persic broke 20 and Alex Fusco ran a PR 20:15. 

For the girls, Rachel O'Connell and Eve Marenghi ran 12:37 for the 3K while newcomer Maggie Hashmall had a great debut running 12:59.  Crosby Tillman ran 13:12 and Jen Gross made her long distance debut in 15:30.  All good times for a summer workout.  The girls appear ready for XC camp.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 6 "Mileage Hogs"

Well it appears that it's a 5 way tie this week with Gorecki, Friedman, Sammel, Shelby, and Conway all running 70 miles this week. THAT"S WHAT I WANNA SEE! Mike Rosillo had another great week of 50 miles, as prescribed, Frankie Licursi logged 43 (43 more than he ran the same week last year), and Albert Tunas is back feeling good and looking good. Other guys that reported solid weeks were Mike Persic, Alex Fusco, and Austin Simon. Freshman John Courtien logged 35 miles last week and is coming to XC camp.

Great day of girls practice today as Tillman, Hashmall, O'Connell, Marenghi, Ramirez, and Gross all showed up. REMEMBER - EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO BE AT THE TRACK MEET ON TUESDAY, 8/11 AT 5:30PM, TO RUN EITHER THE 3K OF 5K.

New girls XC uniforms ordered

The Somers Lady Running Tuskers are getting new uniforms for the varsity girls this season. Click on the picture to see the color schemes and new logo. The uniforms are made by Boathouse Sports, are tight but a light material, and the shorts are the volleyball style.

Workouts 8/10-15


Monday - 6:30pm at SHS - easy distance day, Strides, lunges, mrytl, short hills, and barefoot after.

Tuesday - 5:30pm at SHS - 5K race for boys and 3K race for girls. Bring $5 for race entry. Strides, lunges, mrytl, short hills, and barefoot after.

Wednesday - 5:30pm at Wood Street - easy distance.

Thursday - 6:30pm at SHS - warmup - 4-5x1000m threshold at Upper Reis grass loop. Minimum 20 min run after. Strides, lunges, mrytl, and barefoot after.

Friday - 5:30pm at Little Peoples - distance day. Include 40min run with 1 min hard every 5th minute followed by 6x30 second hills. Do hills from Railroad track to HS and then jog back to Little peoples.

Saturday - 9:15am at SHS, then to Rockies for 10am run - LONG RUN - 8-14 miles with the last 25 minutes hard.

Sunday - Leave for camp. We'll get a run in up there but consider this your off day. It will be short.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Some changes are being made to the practice schedule. We need to finish earlier for safety reason on Monday and Thursday. TONIGHT IS THE FINAL MON/THUR WE WILL MEET AT 7:30pm. Camp ends this week anyway to next week will will meet at 6:30pm on those nights.



Monday -
MEET AT SHS AT 7:30PM - 60min run w/ 8xhills en route

Tues - MEET AT SHS AT 6:00pm - Warm-up, 4x1mile threshold w/ 3min rest on Track followed by 25 min run

Wed - meet at Wood Street at 5:30pm - 75min run w/ 8x 150m hills en route starting at 60min mark. followed by 8x100 strides

Thurs - MEET AT SHS AT 4:30pm - 30min of 1min on 1min off fartlek, followed by 6x100m hills near

FRIDAY - MEET AT LITTLE PEOPLES AT 5:30PM - easy distance, whatever you need.

Sat - Meet at SHS at 9:15am to head to rockies - 80-90 minutes with 40min solid clip, low 6:00 paces for varsity guys, followed by 8x100 strides

Sun - Meet at SHS at 5:00pm at SHS - easy distance, whatever you need.