Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Athletes who need physicals to be updated

This list includes all athletes that have signed up or who were on the team last year.

BOYS: Anthony Carpenter, Charles Conway, Kai Crannell, Johnney Epstein, Arthur Fiorella, Elliot Kravits, Joe Laroca, Mark Linkletter, Mike Maloney, Ryan Matsumoto, Brendan McDonnell, David Mink, Matt O'Connell, Austin Simon, Michael Stellwagen, Kevin Turchick

GIRLS: Maya Balkran, Kat Delandri, Michala Donnelly, Jenna Fulton, Maria Gorecki, Rachel Kurtz, Eve Marenghi, Lorrayne Ramirez, Katie Ross, Andie Simon, Viviane Simond, Alison Tota

If your name appears here your physical on file with the Athletic Department is out of date and needs to be updated.  Contact Nancy Burke at 248-8585 for more info or get a new form from coach Fulton at practice.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Here is the link for varsity boys and girls this week.  Athletes should all be at practice but if you aren't then you should do these workouts.  Workouts

All JV boys can do these workouts too but just less mileage.  All freshman boys and girls and JV girls should just run if they can't be at practice.  Email coach Fulton if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010 XC Schedule

Final Schedules with bus times and venue info to be posted ASAP.

Invitational schedule
 9/11 - Big Red Invitational - Somers
 9/21 - Dual vs. John Jay @ Yorktown
 9/25 - Bowdoin XC Classic - Wappingers
 9/28 - Dual @ Carmel
10/02 - St. Anthony's - Sunken Meadow, Long Island (overnight - leave Friday)
10/05 - Dual vs. Mahopac @ Somers
10/09 - Manhattan College Invitational - Van Cortland Park - Bronx
10/13 - League Championships - Bowdoin Park, Wappingers
10/23 - Section 1 Coaches Invitational - Pawling
10/30 - Westchester County Champs - Somers
11/05 - Section 1 Championships - Pawling

11/13 - NY State Champs - Pawling
11/20 - NY State Federation Championships - Bowdoin Park, Wappingers (boys only)
11/27 - NXN New York Regional - Bowdoin Park, Wappingers (boys only)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Practice Begins Monday, August 23rd

Practice for all cross country athletes begins Monday, August 23rd.  Regular practice will be Monday-Thursday at 5pm and Friday morning at 9am.  Double sessions for varsity and JV boys will be at 8am Tuesday-Thursday and Friday afternoon at 5pm. Double sessions for varsity girls will be Monday-Wednesday at 8am.  Saturday practice TBA.

Meet schedule to be posted shortly.  Any questions email coach Fulton: fulton.timmy@gmail.com